We breathe constantly, perhaps 9,000 to over 20, 000 breaths per day without giving it much thought. If you practice breathing and use an active breathing cycle you can not only improve your breath but also your life. The ability to breathe properly boosts your health in surprising ways. Let’s take a look at how practicing active breathing works and how it should become a part of your daily routine.
What Is Active Breathing?
You can influence your body’s physiological and biochemical responses through deliberate control of your inhalation and exhalation with active breathing. Rather than shallow and unconscious breath, active breathing involves deep and regular breathing that engages the diaphragm and uses full lung capacity. The result of this conscious breathing technique you improve oxygen intake, improve your mood and concentration, promote better posture and develop muscle memory for better unconscious breathing.
Little-Known Facts About Optimal Active Breathing
- Activates the Vagus Nerve: Deep breathing stimulates the vagus nerve, which can result in a lower heart rate and blood pressure, which improves relaxation [1].
- Balances CO2 and Oxygen Levels: Proper breathing ensures a balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood, which is necessary for proper pH balance [2].
- Influences Brain Waves: Slow, deep breathing can shift brain waves toward a more relaxed mindset, similar to meditation.
- Nose Breathing vs. Mouth Breathing: It is better to breathe through you nose than your mouth as it warms and filters the air. It also increases nitric oxide levels, which increases blood flow and oxygen delivery.
- Breath-Holding Benefits: Breath holding promotes better tolerance to CO2 which increases blood oxygenation [3].
- Breathing With the Diaphragm: Using your diaphragm to expand and contract your lungs improves lung efficiency and eases strain on your back, neck and shoulder muscles.
Top Reasons to Practice Active Breathing
1. Enhance Lung Capacity and Respiratory Function
Through active breathing you strengthen the muscles that control your diaphragm. This improves your lung capacity and leads to more efficient breathing. With slower, more controlled breathing your body becomes better at oxygenating your blood, which is important for overall health.
2. Improve Oxygen Uptake and Energy Levels
When you breathe with slower but deep controlled breaths you increase the amount of oxygen that reaches your cells. This increased oxygenation improves energy production and you feel more calm, energized and alert throughout the day.
3. Reduce Stress and Promote Relaxation
By using active breathing you can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which helps the body “rest and digest”. This activation can decrease the stress hormone cortisol which leads to a more relaxed mind and reduced anxiety.
4. Lower Blood Pressure and Support Heart Health
One of the best ways to lower blood pressure is to do conscious breathing exercises as they help lower blood pressure, promote relaxation and improve circulation. This improves over all heart health and decreases the risk of heart related issues.
5. Improve Sleep Quality
Through active breathing exercises before bedtime you not only become relaxed in body and mind by you also may improve your breathing throughout the night. Better sleep leads to more energy, less stress and better brain function during the day.
6. Boost Immune Function
Proper breathing improves the flow of the lymphatic system, which is important for an effective immune system [4]. Through deep and slow breathing you can help fight off infections and illness more effectively.
How to Practice an Active Breathing Cycle
Step 1: Find a Comfortable Position
Begin by sitting or laying down with your back straight, which ensures your lungs can expand fully.
Step 2: Relax and Focus
Close your eyes and focus on first relaxing your body, from toes to head.
Step 3: Begin Deep Slow Breathing
- Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of four, notice your abdomen rise.
- Hold your breath for a count of four.
- Exhale gently through your mouth or nose for a count of four, allowing your body to relax.
- Hold you breath again for the count of four
- Repeat this for 5 to 10 minutes.
Step 4: Practice Regularly
Practice breathing exercises daily for at least once a day. Through consistent practice you will feel the benefits over time. If you aren’t convinced, consider writing in a journal your breathing efforts, challenges and changes.
How to Incorporate Active Breathing into Daily Life
Morning Routine
Begin each day with active breathing to calm your mind and boost your energy levels. Close your eyes and focus solely on your breathing for 10 to 15 minutes.
Before Sleep
Before going to bed use active breathing to improve your sleep. Again, close you eyes and focus on breathing slowly, deeply and lightly for 10 to 15 minutes. This will quiet your mind and help you relax your body for a better sleep.
Stress Free Moments
Take a break from a stressful situation by stopping what you are doing, and focus on breathing deep and lightly for a few breaths. This can help you relax, focus, and get back into it.
Transitioning to a Healthier Lifestyle
Practicing a full active breathing cycle is easy to do and, given the benefits, should be adopted by everyone. The health benefits are clear and you don’t require special equipment to get started. In addition, it complements other healthy habits, making regular exercise easier. With small changes slowly over time you will notice large benefits so why not get started.
Breathing is necessary for life. Controlled active breath can improve your life, health and well being. Practicing active breathing improves your lung capacity, decreases stress, provides for a better immune system, and a healthier heart. There are so many benefits why not start today. Use slow controlled active breathing as a regular part of your daily routine. Doing so regularly will encourage proper breathing even when you aren’t actively thinking about it as a result of muscle memory.