What It Takes to Look Younger: Why Most Men Overlook This

It’s tough when you’re older – you fall into bad habits and become complacent. You don’t really see yourself as others do and each year you fall further and further from your best self. You may not even know what it takes to look younger. Looking younger, particularly for guys, isn’t just about using […]
Why You Need to Stop Mouth Breathing While Sleeping Now!

If you breathe through your mouth while sleeping you are not only reducing the effectiveness of your sleep, which has its own problems, but are prolonging a bad habit of breathing that negatively and profoundly impacts your health. If your not sure how you breathe while sleeping, ask your partner. Chances are if your mouth […]
Brush Your Teeth Regularly: A Good Habit for Better Health

If you are looking for a simple, easy way to improve your overall health, one of the easiest things you can do is brush your teeth regularly. This habit, although small, can have a huge impact on your oral hygiene, physical health and confidence level. If you want cleaner, healthier teeth and gums with fewer […]
How to Best Avoid Getting Sick

Stay healthy and enjoy life, although that may be easier said than done. While those that are unhealthy will get sick, it is possible to avoid getting sick or at least minimize the severity when you do get sick. Let’s take a look at some effective ways to boost your immune system and keep from […]
12 Tips to Better Skincare for Men

Norms change and so should you, where it makes sense. Taking care of your skin isn’t just for women – it’s important for men who want to look younger. Skincare for men goes beyond just appearance; it involves improving your health and boosting your confidence. Let’s take a look at some practical ways to care […]
Active Breathing for Better Health

We breathe constantly, perhaps 9,000 to over 20, 000 breaths per day without giving it much thought. If you practice breathing and use an active breathing cycle you can not only improve your breath but also your life. The ability to breathe properly boosts your health in surprising ways. Let’s take a look at how […]
Cut Down on Alcohol Now Not Later

Are you ready to cut down on alcohol and lead a healthier life? Making this change can bring about huge benefits, especially for men over 50. Let’s take a look at why reducing alcohol is so important, as is answering the question “how do you stop drinking in practical ways?”. “Worldwide, 2.6 million deaths […]
A Good Night’s Rest For Better Health

Most people underestimate the benefit of getting a good night’s rest. A good night full of restful sleep can make you feel energized and alert during the day but is also beneficial to your health. Let’s take a look at how a good night rest is necessary and how to improve your sleep quality. […]
Get a Check-up: A Simple Way to Save Your Life

Getting older means you should be looking out for health issues more regularly. However, if you’re like me and many other men, avoiding the doctor’s office is common. My attitude has always been to shake off the pain or discomfort and it will go away – and it almost always has. Perhaps that makes sense […]
How to Look Young After 40: Tips for Men

Article Summary For the article How to Look Young After 40: Tips for Men – Regain Your Edge Mindset Matters: A positive attitude reduces stress hormones like cortisol, helping you look better and less worn down.. Posture and Movement: Good posture and regular movement improve appearance and health, helping you look more youthful. Dress Well: Wear […]