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Play a Game That Challenges you Mentally for a Better Brain

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A great way to keep your brain healthy as you get older is to play a game that challenges you mentally. As your body needs exercise to stay in shape, so does your mind to remain sharp and quick. For example, playing games or doing activities that improve memory, cognitive ability and problem solving skills is important to keep your mind healthy. They also better help you prepare for life’s opportunities and challenges.


Why Play a Game That Challenges You Mentally?

You force your brain to work in perhaps different ways than you are used to when you play a game that challenges you mentally.  For instance, playing games like chess, crosswords, sudoku and even certain types of video games help improve memory, focus, decision making and adaptability [1][2].  In addition, these games activate different areas of the brain, creating new neural connections and improving mental performance. 

Improvement in your brain’s ability to adapt and grow is known as neuroplasticity. In fact, you can improve brain resilience and lower the risk of cognitive decline by stimulating your brain through playing mentally stimulating games.


strategy board game

Play a Game That Challenges You Mentally for Stress Relief

Playing stimulating games can also significantly reduce stress. By concentrating on a challenging game you no longer focus on your worries and stresses of life. When solving a problem, whether through a puzzle or strategy game, your brain releases the “feel good” hormone dopamine. This hormone helps to improve your mood and reduce stress making life’s challenges less difficult.


Adding games into your routine improves your mental sharpness and resilience, increasing your brain’s ‘fitness’ and ability to manage stress when it matters.


Stay Young by Playing Games That Challenge You Mentally

One benefit, perhaps less realized, is how mentally stimulating games help keep one feeling younger and more energized. When you play a game that challenges you keep your brain active and engaged, which slows down cognitive aging. As a result, the brain is sharper and more adaptable. 


Playing games also keep the brain from staying in a rut or becoming complacent.  Indeed, if you keep your brain stimulated you can help reduce the chances of dementia and Alzheimer’s [3].


scrabble letters - Play a Game That Challenges you Mentally

Games That Are Mentally Challenging

Board games 

Paper puzzle games

  • Sudoku
  • Crosswords
  • Tic tac toe

Phone games / apps

  • Wordle
  • Lumosity Games
  • My Brain Trainer
  • Peak

Computer Strategy games

  • Stormgate
  • Starcraft 2
  • Stellaris
  • Company of Heroes 3



Choose the Right Game for You

There are a bunch of games out there that can challenge you mentally, the problem is finding something that holds your interest. Indeed, take a look at the above list on Games That Are Mentally Challenging and try out a few.  I, for example, love playing Catan with my family and Banana Peel (like Scrabble) with my wife.  I also enjoy Sudoku and can be found on my computer playing Starcraft 2. There are plenty of options – select a few depending upon your mood or circumstance. 


Why not start today and play a game that challenges you mentally. In summary, getting older doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Also, remember just like working out to strengthen your body, your brain needs attention too!

Check out 7 Ways to Combat Age: The Best Anti Aging Solution.


The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the support and guidance of your physician when you are unsure about any health issues.


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