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Show Gratitude For Better Relationships

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Showing gratitude means being thankful for what you have. However, it’s more than just saying “thank you”, it’s about recognizing the good things in your life. When you show gratitude, your attitude changes and you begin noticing the positives in life more often, which end up making you feel happier.



Scientists who study positive psychology discovered that a one-time act of thoughtful gratitude produced an immediate 10% increase in happiness and 35% reduction in symptoms of depression [1].


Why Gratitude Matters

Your brain changes when you show gratitude. For example, practicing gratitude can rewire your brain to focus on good things that happen [2]. Your brain releases a chemical called dopamine, that makes you feel happy when you show gratitude. So, by being thankful you are actually making yourself happier!


Another great thing about gratitude is it encourages you to pay attention to the present moment. Being grateful and in the moment, an exercise in mindfulness, helps slow down a fast-paced world where it is too easy to get caught up in what you should do next or have missed. You begin to appreciate what you currently have, putting life into better perspective. In fact, this change in focus can help reduce anxiety and make you feel more content with your life.


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The Power of Gratitude in Relationships

Remember gratitude isn’t just about you. It may start with you but it spreads to those you interact with daily. When you show gratitude to other they feel valued and appreciated. This strengthens you connections and trust with others. People are naturally attracted to those who appreciate them and so saying thanks is a great way to build deeper bonds with friends, family and colleagues.


For those that you show gratitude to, they are more likely to show kindness and help you in the future. This is because of what is known as the reciprocity effect in psychology where people feel the urge to return a favor when they’ve been treated well.


Show Gratitude to Those Who Make a Difference

There are a number of people we interact with regularly who we don’t give much thought to or perhaps take for granted. This includes the police officer you walk by on the street, your child’s teacher, the receptionist at the front desk at work or even your own family members. While you may not notice them or what they contribute, each plays a part in making your day or life go smoother. Saying thanks not only makes them feel better but also helps them feel they are making a difference. 



As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.

~ John F. Kennedy


Show Gratitude as a Path to Growth

It is easy to forget how we achieve success or experience the good times without acknowledging where you are in life and how you got there. Being grateful allows you to recognizes the difficulties you have overcome and the lessons you have learned along the way. Reflect on your journey and what you have done to get where you are. Doing so helps you appreciate the challenges you have faced, allowing you to build resilience and become a better person.


Being grateful and remembering the tough lessons you’ve learnt and challenges you’ve faced help change your perspective on setbacks.  Rather than seeing them as failures, you begin looking beyond them for opportunities for growth. This change in mindset makes it easier to face difficulties, allowing you to remain motivated going forward.



Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.

~ Zig Ziglar


How to Practice Gratitude Daily

It isn’t necessary to wait for things you deem to be big or worthy to show gratitude. Everyday you should think about those things that you are thankful for. Start small – think of something as basic as drinking a good cup of coffee in the morning or how your spouse is supportive and loving. Write down or say out loud what you are grateful for to externalize your gratitude. For others, practice thanking them for small things and watch how it becomes easier each time. Make sure you are being sincere as you express your gratitude and be thoughtful as to how to express it. You don’t want to be viewed as predictable, even if you are sincere.


As a strategy for improving your relationships and becoming happier and in turn healthier, being thankful can be one of the easiest, most rewarding ways to self improvement. Add showing gratitude for what you have as a daily habit and discover how this transforms your outlook on life.

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