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Dining Out? Better Drink the Water But Skip the Bread

Dinning out - restaurant

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Bread and Water - Dining OutWhen dining out, skipping the bread before dinner and drinking water instead can be a smart choice for your health. Bread, especially white bread, often has extra calories that don’t offer much nutrition. It is usually placed on the table to keep you distracted while your meal is being prepared [1]. Additionally, restaurant bread can be high in refined sugars and bad fats, which can contribute to weight gain and other health issues. Drinking the water, on the other hand, fills you up without adding any calories.  This helps you eat less during the meal. It also keeps you hydrated, which is great for your whole body. Making these small changes when you eat out can help you manage your weight and feel better.
Check out Intermittent Fasting for Belly Fat: Simple Solution to Overcome Fat.

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