It’s tough when you’re older – you fall into bad habits and become complacent. You don’t really see yourself as others do and each year you fall further and further from your best self. You may not even know what it takes to look younger.
Looking younger, particularly for guys, isn’t just about using miracle face creams and jumping on the latest anti-aging bandwagon. For middle age guys it involves changing the small things that combine to make a difference. These small changes can help you look energized, confident and allow you to appear much younger than your age.
While you want to be perceived by others as younger looking, it first starts with a reflection of how you feel about yourself. When you take care of how you present yourself, others will notice. Your goal is not about vanity but is about presenting your best, most capable self.
Appearance, Confidence, and First Impressions
The truth is people make quick judgements of you based on appearance. The way you look will send messages that go beyond just your appearance. Based on your looks you may be considered less capable. A polished, youthful appearance shows you are confident and have self-respect. A tired, neglected appearance tells the opposite story.
Trying to look younger has nothing to do with reliving your 20s or embracing a mid life crisis. It is about showing the world you are engaged and take pride in yourself. Being more confident plays a huge role in this. When you feel good about yourself it changes the way you walk, talk, and carry yourself. It impacts how you interact with others and how you see your future potential. Taking care of your appearance through small changes over time moves you in the right direction.
The Subtle Signs That Add Years
It usually isn’t something big that you can change that will make you look younger, although losing weight comes close. For most guys it is a number of smaller things combined that we need to address. The good thing is these are usually simple things that you aren’t even aware of. Here are a few key things you can address.
Poor Grooming:
As you get older you begin to get hair growing from you nose and ears. This has to be trimmed regularly. Also, you need a regular haircut and should shave daily. You also should use facial moisturizer. These things if left unchecked, along with dull, dry skin can make you look tired and older than you are. Keeping up regular grooming shows you care about yourself.
Poor Posture:
Poor posture becomes a lazy habit initially and more and more difficult to correct as you get older. But it can be done. The most powerful change agent you have is awareness. This helps you introduce good habits which adjust your posture. Slouching doesn’t just affect how you’re perceived; it also contributes to aches and stiffness that can age you from the inside out. Standing tall projects confidence and vitality.
Clothing Choices:
Poor fitting or dated clothing shows that you are either oblivious to what you are wearing (which is usually not the case) or don’t care. If you want others to take you seriously, a well-fitted, more modern wardrobe will make you look better and feel better too.
Tired Eyes:
Dark circles around your eyes with puffiness, and fine wrinkles around the eyes can make you look old. These often reflect deeper issues like stress and anxiety. Meditating, breathing properly, and getting sufficient sleep will brighten your face and make you appear younger.
Gaping Mouth:
For many people (more than you think) having their mouth open is necessary as they find it too difficult to breathe through their nose. Mouth breathing is looked down on and paints a picture of someone who is unintelligent and perhaps not conscientious. Being a mouth breather also increases the chances and the appearance of being stressed, tired, and anxious [1].
Low Energy:
Dragging your feet all day, looking like a zombie isn’t going to win hearts and minds. Let’s face it, if you decide (and it IS a decision) to limit your sleep to 6 hours a night or less and to mess up your sleep routine by staying up to 1am on the weekends, your energy levels will suffer. Not only that, you will look more tired and appear older from a lack of consistent 7-8 hours sleep [2].
Combating each of these problems won’t make you 20 years younger but with small changes over time you will look younger, appear energized and, as a result, feel more confident.
Why Looking Younger Reflects Vitality and Health
Your appearance is often a clear reflection of your overall health. If you have dull, dry looking skin, poor posture, low level energy and an open mouth when breathing you aren’t likely looking your age or your best. By focusing on looking younger, and more confident you are also focusing on vitality and your own health.
By investing in looking younger, you invest in maintaining your vitality. This is a signal to you and the world that you are committed to living your best life, full of energy. The actions of improving your attire, your posture, your grooming and other lifestyles changes, you demonstrate that you value your health and take pride in how you show up each day.
The Mindset Shift
If you want to look younger you need to change how you think about taking care of yourself. A lot of guys think that making noticeable changes requires a lot of effort. In reality, it’s about how you think, the consistency you bring, and adopting a proactive mindset.
Here’s what that mindset looks like:
- Awareness: Being aware of how you look to others helps you understand that the little things—from your grooming to the way you stand, the way you walk into a room, and how you breathe and the value you place on sleep will lead you to make the changes needed to look younger.
- Intentionality: Take the time to meditate and focus on your breathing, dress well, groom regularly, and put the effort into and appreciate the things that improve your appearance.
- Commitment: Every new habit is difficult to adopt initially. Make a commitment to introduce these habits because once they stick, they become part of your ordinary routine. By investing in looking your best, you tell yourself you are worth the effort.
Shifting your mindset so as to look your best isn’t about being vain, it is about living with purpose and showing the world the best version of you. Adopt the mindset that makes you look better, feel better, and younger until it becomes a natural part of how you approach each day.
Final Thoughts
No one is asking that you turn back the clock with these recommendations but paying attention to detail and being self aware will help you make small changes that make a big difference. Once you’ve done these you will begin to feel better, more confident and better put together. As people notice they reinforce your feeling with a positive impression of you. It is the combination of the small habits and how you feel about these changes which make the difference in how you are perceived. And yes, you will be perceived as younger if you look and feel good about yourself.
It’s never too late to change. Whether you’re 40, 50, or older, small, consistent efforts can have a huge impact. Taking the time to look younger is worth it.
Next steps, if you truly want to turn back your biological clock, check out How to Appear Younger: Best Try Fasting and How to Look Younger for Men Over 50