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Why is it important to warm up before exercise?

Middle age man stretching legs

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Most don’t realize the importance of warming up before exercise. Why is it important to warm up before exercise? Because it allows your muscles and joints to prepare for movement. It also gets your rate rate beating so as to ease into a more strenuous exercise. Also, warming up helps to avoid injuries and helps the body prepare for action.  As we get older, it is necessary to take the time to warm up so as to avoid aches and pains after exercise.


Man doing lat stretch

Wake Up Your Muscles

Not allowing your muscles time to adjust before putting them in action can cause injury. Warming up improves blood flow thereby loosening muscles and tendons, making them more flexible. Not warming up is like taking your car from zero to sixty in freezing weather – not a good idea. When your muscles get the oxygen they need from increased blood flow, they perform better.


Keep Your Joints Moving

As we get older it becomes clear that joints can become stiff when they aren’t active.  This is another reason a warm up is important. Stiff joints during exercise can cause injury as your movements may compensate for the stiffness leading to injury. A short and light cardio routine followed by stretches help get your joints ready to move. With loose joints your exercise workout feels smoother, allowing for better performance. Also, you aren’t as likely to feel sore afterwards.


Connect Your Brain and Body

While your body benefits from a warm up, your brain does as well. Your brain talks to your muscles and the better the communication, the smoother and quicker your movements will be. This results in less injuries such as missteps or stumbles. Regardless of your exercise routine, having your brain warmed up with blood flowing to it, you’re more likely to be coordinated and steady. 


man actively breathing - Why is it important to warm up before exercise?

Get Mentally Ready

While warming up benefits your body and brain, it also puts your mind in a state of readiness. It helps give it time to switch gears from inaction to focusing on your exercise routine or game. It helps your mind adjust from what it was doing and let go of distractions and adopt the right mindset for action. Your ability to focus on your exercise workout makes it easier to push yourself while keeping safe. As you heard the coach say “get your head in the game”. Warming up gives you time to do so.


Perform Better

Your performance will improve if everything is ready to either lift more, run faster or push yourself further.  Having your muscles (including your brain, your joints, and your mind ready will allow for an easier and more effective workout. Without all of these parts ready to perform, you won’t feel your best and you won’t be able to easily  put your game face on.


Warm Up Routine

Here’s a simple warmup routine to get your body ready before exercising. Jumping jacks are a great way to get your blood flowing and increase your heart rate right at the start, which helps reduce injury while stretching. Stretching, in turn, helps prepare your muscles and tendons for action. 

The following routine focuses on providing an overall body warm up in a reasonable amount of time. Feel free to add other stretches if you feel stiff in other areas of your body i.e. neck, ankles, etc. 


Jumping Jacks or Run on the Spot – 30 – 90 seconds: Start by increasing blood flow and raising your heart rate.

Arm Circles – 30 seconds each direction: Loosen up your shoulders with big, controlled circles.

Shoulder Stretch – 15 seconds per side: Bring one arm across your chest and use the opposite hand to pull it gently for a deep shoulder stretch.

Torso Twists – 30 seconds: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and twist your torso side to side to loosen up your back.

Standing Calf Stretch – 20 seconds per leg: Step one leg back and press your heel into the ground to stretch your calf.

Cat-Cow Stretch – 30 seconds: Get on all fours and alternate arching your back (like a cat) and dropping your belly (like a cow) to warm up your back.

Box Breathing – 60+ seconds: Inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds. Repeat three or four times to steady your mind, improve your focus and prepare your breathing.



If you are still wondering why is it important to warm up before exercise -it is simple.  Warming up prepares your body for action. It keeps you from getting hurt and it helps you stay focused. Give your body and mind a few minutes to warm up and you’ll  notice the difference in your performance.

Check out Agility Exercises for Better Movement.


The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the support and guidance of your physician when you are unsure about any health issues.


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